I focus on the fuzzy front-end; the phase that starts with one idea or several, fuses them into a business concept, finds unforseen hurdles, solves them, builds and tests prototypes, and gets them ready for market. I've been doing this in bits and pieces for 20 years, and I'm used to leading, coaching, systemizing it and doing it myself for organizations of various sizes. It's about combining the ideas about execution that everyone inevitably has, and managing the scope as it tries to grow beyond what was intended. Most of my work comes down to:

Four steps to SIFT your scope:

I focus on the fuzzy front-end; the phase that starts with one idea or several, fuses them into a business concept, finds unforseen hurdles, solves them, builds and tests prototypes, and gets them ready for market. I've been doing this in bits and pieces for 20 years, and I'm used to leading, coaching, systemizing it and doing it myself for organizations of various sizes. It's about combining the ideas about execution that everyone inevitably has, and managing the scope as it tries to grow beyond what was intended. Most of my work comes down to:

Four steps to SIFT your scope:
1. Market Positioning
sift your value proposition

  • analyze customer history/surveys
  • define positioning and attributes
  • develop brand story
  • estimate lifestyle segment sizes
  • I've looked at:
2. Customer Journey
sift your customer needs

  • identify patterns of customer behaviors
  • interview and accompany customers
  • document habits, choices, dreams, and needs
  • I've heard about:
3. Persona Development
sift your superusers

  • articulate target user attributes
  • develop 2-3 perfect superusers
  • define testable product tasks for superusers to solve
  • I narrowed it down to:
4. Use Cases
sift your opportunities

  • map the journey of the status quo
  • design the idealized use case
  • rank feature and monetization options
  • choose the minimum viable use case
  • I've built scenarios for: